Ms. Theresa's Piano Studio


I offer FREE evaluations for potential students because I think it is important for us to meet prior to lessons. Training, teaching-styles, personalities and methods vary greatly from teacher to teacher, thus, the 1st step is for parents/guardians and students to see how I go about things. This is also a time for me to see if students are ready for lessons.  We'll then decide if we are the right teacher-student team.  Over the years, I've found that students who are genuinely interested are most willing to focus, prepare and practice. 

I spend about 30 minutes giving each potential student a "trial lesson".  Then, we go over studio rates, policies and questions. We start lessons only if the parent/guardian, student AND teacher feel that this would work for the student. Please prepare 30-45 minutes for the evaluation. 

To sign up for FREE Evaluation, please fill out the form. 

If you'd prefer to contact me directly: 



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call/email for address

On 150th street between Jewel Avenue & 70th Rd

Flushing, New York 11367